sabato 30 gennaio 2016


The President of European Muslims League dr Alfredo Maiolese had visited and made lesson to the Muslim community of Serravalle in the Piemonte Region.
The Community had recently bought a big Mosque in which there are also classes for the teaching  of arabic and the religion.

lunedì 25 gennaio 2016


The President of European Muslims League, Ambassador Alfredo Maiolese, had visited in Beirut many refugee camps.
The situation is going to collapse and the Lebanese authorities, cannot be left alone.
Here dr. Alfredo Maiolese with the Chief of Army Staff, discussing how to bring from Europe, some humanitarian aids. 

domenica 24 gennaio 2016


Our Ambassador in Saudi Arabia, dr. Essa Jamal Al Rebeah, visited in Jeddah the founder of the Association Muslim Voice in Usa.
Brother Samuel E. Shrophire is american from Washington D.C.,  who has embraced  Islam 4 years ago and is very involved  in the presentation and defence  of our religion in United States of America.

venerdì 22 gennaio 2016


Sister Rudina member of EML in Albania has organized a very important meeting , in collaboration with the Albanian center for integration.
The support and concerns to People with special needs is important matter in our Islamic religion.
In many muslim Countries for example there are not hospices or homes for the Seniors, because contrarily to not muslim Countries, the parents who reach an old age, leave with their children.

mercoledì 20 gennaio 2016


The President of European Muslims League Ambassador Alfredo Maiolese had participated to an important conference regarding, migrants and socio-cultural aspects. Much appreciated his intervention and the speech of the Mayor of Palermo, Prof.Leoluca Orlando. He stressed that different people fleeing from hunger and war, cannot be considered a problem but an asset for Europe. 

martedì 19 gennaio 2016


The European Muslims League has appointed  Dr. Itimad Elmrani, Ambassador of EML in the Kingdom of Morocco. Ambassador Itimad Elmrani is a very talented woman, who can help our Vice President,  Yvonne Ridley  and all the women  in EML. The Presidency  wishes to our sister a brillant success, to elevate  the name of our organization in Morocco.

giovedì 14 gennaio 2016


Italian newspaper  reported  the efforts which the EML is making through  its President, Ambassador Alfredo Maiolese to support the Muslim  community  in Burma. Dr. Maiolese has had a private meeting with HH Dalai Lama regarding  this subject.

martedì 12 gennaio 2016


We would like to thanks Miss Rudina our member in Albania, for her contribution to support interfaith dialogue and the muslim women.
Sister Rudina has been engaged, in the last few years, in the development of culture and knowledge of islamic religion for the women community of her County.

domenica 10 gennaio 2016


Dr Essa Jamal Al Kebasi Al Rebeah has been nominated Ambassador of European Muslims League in the Kingdom  of Saudi Arabia.
He is a journalist and the author of a very famous  islamic channel which speaks to the youngers.

sabato 9 gennaio 2016


We thanks our member in Albania Dr Arben Ramkaj for collecting aids for muslims in need in his Country.
Here you can see the photos with persons who receive  their food.

lunedì 4 gennaio 2016


Our member in Portugal, Prof. Imran Mohammad, has organized with the collaboration of Isesco and Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs of the State of Kuwait, a very important Conference in Lisbon,  regarding  Islam and the relations with the not muslim communities  of Portugal.
In this particular moment all European Muslims League' members, are struggling around Europe, in supporting  peace and respect  with other religions.

domenica 3 gennaio 2016


The Vice President of European Muslims League, Yvonne Ridley, is a very talent woman who has embraced Islam many years ago.
She is engaged  in Great Britain  to make understand  better Islam, and to defend human rights and the women.
She partecipates in many debates, conferences, and she is interviewed  by many televisions  and radios.
The President and all the colleagues of EML, thank the sister Yvonne for her useful work,  not only in her country but worldwide. 

sabato 2 gennaio 2016


Our Ambassador of EML in Malaysia, Mufti Juanda Jaya,had partecipated  to a very important gathering  on invitation of H.M the King of the State of Perlis.
Mufti  Juanda Jaya, who had studied religion and arabic, in Al Azhar University in Egypt, is engaged  to teach the real islamic religion,   free of extremism  and intolerance.

venerdì 1 gennaio 2016


The President of European Muslims League Dott. Alfredo Maiolese Ambassador of Peace, had given a lesson in one mosque in Genova regarding  the role of muslim community  in following  the italian law and the responsibility  of the humma to make italians understand  Islamic religion, which teaches peace, love and respect  to the others.
This is the first lesson of 2016.